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Dr. 唐R. 坎贝尔


唐·坎贝尔是音乐教授, 合唱活动总监, 和 Music Department Coordinator at 正规彩票十大网站排名 in Central, 南卡罗来纳. Prior to his appointment to SWU in 1998, he taught vocal music for 20 years at Redwood High School in Visalia, California—building the program to 300 students in five choirs. Dr. 坎贝尔 received his Bachelor of Arts degree in music education from California State University, 富勒顿, his Master of Arts degree in choral conducting from California State University, 夫勒斯诺市, 和 his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral conducting from Arizona State University. 他的导师包括大卫·索尔森, 霍华德天鹅, 约翰Cooksey, 格雷格•莱恩, 大卫储料器, 还有很多其他的.

In dem和 as a choral clinician, Dr. 坎贝尔 has traveled to sixteen states as well as 和 苏格兰, 荷兰, 德国, 新西兰, 澳大利亚, 不列颠哥伦比亚省和安大略省, 加拿大 to conduct choirs 和 festival choruses 和 present choral clinics. He has conducting students in 新西兰, 澳大利亚, 加拿大, 英格兰, 苏格兰, 爱尔兰, 荷兰, 德国, 瑞典, 日本, 意大利, 哥伦比亚, 沙特阿拉伯, 和韩国. Every year he conducts the 南卡罗来纳 Music Educators Association’s Western Region Honor Choir 和 had for many years also conducted the Upper Region 和 Central Region Honor Choirs. His choirs have performed at conventions of the American Choral Directors Association 和 Music Educators National Conference. He is the founder 和 host of five festivals for local school 和 church choirs at 正规彩票十大网站排名: Upstate Intercollegiate Choral Invitational Festival for college choirs, SWUFest for high school choirs (which has grown so much in popularity that it has had to be split into two different days, SWUFest Too for middle school choirs, 和 Musica Ecclesia for church choirs.

In addition to the many eclectic programs he has directed in his forty-six years of work, he has conducted choral/orchestral works including Giuseppi Verdi’s 安魂曲卡尔·奥尔夫的 《布兰诗歌Burana, F.J. 海顿的 Harmoniemesse霍华德·汉森的 民主之歌贝多芬的, C大调质量 还有合唱运动 第九交响曲海顿的 赞美颂, 布拉姆斯的 Schicksalslied 还有一个精心编排的版本 Liebeslieder我们, Cherubini 安魂曲韩德尔的 弥赛亚布拉姆斯的 德国安魂曲, Durufle的 安魂曲,福尔 安魂曲, 拉特的 安魂曲 格洛丽亚,莫扎特的 安魂曲, 舒伯特的 G的质量 降B和舒伯特的 颂歌维瓦尔第的 格洛丽亚伯恩斯坦的 奇切斯特诗篇珀塞尔的 来吧,艺术之子兰德尔·汤普森的 自由的见证Frostiana, G.P. 《 颂歌 和P.D.问巴赫的 的调味料. He has had post-doctoral coaching in orchestral conducting as a Conducting Fellow at the Conductors Institute of 南卡罗来纳 with Donald Portnoy, 保罗Vermel, 彼得•贾菲, 莫里斯·佩雷斯, 曼努埃尔·阿尔瓦雷斯, 维多利亚债券, 塞缪尔·琼斯, 和约翰·菲茨·罗杰斯.

Dr. 坎贝尔 is currently the conductor of the Chorale of the Greater Anderson Musical Arts Consortium (GAMAC), 安徒生市一个很好的市民合唱团, 南卡罗来纳. 作为理发师, 他导演过维萨利亚, 加州巨橡树合唱团, 汉福德, 加州国王合唱团, 和斯帕坦堡, 南卡罗来纳’s Palmetto Statesmen Chorus 和 has been on the international faculty of Harmony University for the Barbershop Harmony Society for twenty-four years 和 has been the Dean of the Directors College of Harmony University since 2015. He is also a member of American Choral Directors Association, 南卡罗来纳 American Choral Directors Association, Music Educators National Conference, 南卡罗来纳 Music Educators Association, National Association of 茶chers of Singing, 和 the Barbershop Harmony Society. His other affiliations are with Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia (Professional Music Fraternity), Phi Kappa Phi (Honorary Scholastic Society), 和Pi Kappa Lambda (Honorary Music Scholastic Society),

作为一名教堂音乐家. 坎贝尔 has directed music at several churches in California 和 南卡罗来纳 including his current position as Director of Music at Trinity United Methodist Church in Anderson, 南卡罗来纳.  He has also had lead roles in community theatre productions of 拉曼查的人屋顶上的小提琴手. He is recipient of the first Ken Dickens Award for Excellence in 茶ching for 2003 at 正规彩票十大网站排名 和 SWU’s Faculty Member of the Year for 2003-4. Additional honors include having been president of the 南卡罗来纳 American Choral Directors Association, being named Dean of the Directing College of Harmony University, posting a conducting video on YouTube called “Directors Stop Talking,,并为这本书做出贡献, Visions of Excellence: a Dialog with the Finest Directors from the Barbershop Harmony Society.



  • D.M.A. in Choral Conducting; Arizona State University
    论文: An Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary
    Scottish Choral Music (1986-1995) 和 Analyses of Selected Works.
  • M.A. in Music Performance; California State University-夫勒斯诺市
  • B.A. in Music 教育; California State University-富勒顿



  • 指挥(所有领域)
  • 声乐教学
  • Choral Literature 和 Interpretation
  • 音乐的历史
  • 理发店唱歌


博士的观点. 坎贝尔的个人简历